
Mending The Armor News: Providing the latest news, information and research in the area of pornography addiction treatment for teens and young adults.

Q & A: If I purchase a copy of the Breaking Free workbook and have my son complete it on his own, is participation in counseling services really needed?

The Breaking Free workbook is best utilized in a therapy setting under the direction of a Mending The Armor therapist experienced in treating pornography addiction.  While the workbook contains many important concepts and principles for overcoming addiction to pornography, the learning and insight gained from participation in therapy sessions can’t be obtained in a workbook or any other way.   Therapy sessions provide young people with the opportunity to share and discuss their responses to the questions in the workbook as well as to receive feedback, guidance and support from their therapist and other treatment group members.  Overcoming an addiction to pornography can be very difficult.  The most effective treatment for youth involves completing the Breaking Free workbook along with regular participation in both individual and group therapy sessions in the Mending The Armor program.